Family Cruises

Aerial Photograph of the Carnival Inspiration Cruise ship

If you have not already made reservations, the cost of last-minute airfares to the Caribbean and Mexico beach destinations tends to run a little bit high and a sunny beach you can always consider a family cruise. You will save thousands of dollars if you can make a road trip to your departure port to port of departure.

Cruise Ship Resources & Deals

Cruise Critic - Cruise Deals Search Tool

CheapCruises - Cruise Deals Search Tool

Planning Your Covid Spring Break

Latest Information on CDC Covid-19 Main Page

Before you consider traveling on spring break this year there are important questions you should ask. Are you someone in your household or someone you will be visiting will they be at increased risk for getting sick very sick from COVID-19 when you return.

Before You Book Your Cruise

In considering what cruise line to book your reservations that you should first find out what regulations there are for Covid on cruise ships. You should also ask specifically what cleaning processes are being used and whether or not they meet the CDC guidelines or perhaps something more stringent as recommended by the Cleveland clinic or other medical resources.

The CDC guidelines for disinfecting surfaces is 1/3 of a cup of chlorine to 1 gallon of water. Once you arrive at your hotel you might want to take a close look at what cleaning solutions and and techniques that the cleaning staff were using so you have a better idea of what the actual room conditions might be. Some hotels are listing their COVID-19 cleaning procedures on their websites if you can if you if you can't find the information on their website you should ask them over the phone prior to booking.

You may also want to ask the cruise line if they have any testing resources available for you or a list of locations where you can obtain a Covid test prior to your departure for home.

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